2023-11-07 20:02:35



He is a piece of work. 这句话的意思是他很难相处,或者他有很多问题。这是一种贬义的说法,通常用来形容一个人的性格或行为很让人不满或不舒服。例如:

A: Do you know John? He is always late and rude to everyone.

B: Yeah, I know. He is a piece of work.

He who laughs last laughs best. 这句话的意思是笑到最后的人才是真正的赢家,或者说报复是甜蜜的。这是一种劝慰或鼓励的说法,通常用来安慰一个人在某种情况下暂时处于劣势,但是最终会得到成功或满足。


A: I can’t believe he dumped me for that girl. She is so ugly and stupid.

B: Don’t worry. He who laughs last laughs best. You will find someone better than him.

He has a lot on his plate. 这句话的意思是他有很多事情要做,或者说他很忙。这是一种同情或理解的说法,通常用来形容一个人在工作或生活中面临很多压力或责任。例如:

A: How is Tom doing? I haven’t seen him for a while.

B: He has a lot on his plate. He is working on a big project and taking care of his sick mother.

He is out of his mind. 这句话的意思是他疯了,或者说他不理智。这是一种惊讶或不赞同的说法,通常用来形容一个人的想法或行为很荒唐或不合常理。例如:

A: Did you hear that he quit his job and moved to Alaska?

B: What? He is out of his mind. How can he do that?

He is the apple of my eye. 这句话的意思是他是我最爱的人,或者说他是我眼中的宝贝。这是一种爱慕或亲昵的说法,通常用来形容一个人对另一个人的深厚感情或特殊地位。例如:

A: You look so happy today. Is it because of your boyfriend?

B: Yes, he is the apple of my eye. He always makes me smile.

He is a jack of all trades. 这句话的意思是他是个多才多艺的人,或者说他什么都会一点。这是一种赞赏或羡慕的说法,通常用来形容一个人在各方面都有一定的技能或知识。例如:

A: How can he play the piano, guitar, and violin so well?

B: He is a jack of all trades. He learned them all by himself.

He is a pain in the neck. 这句话的意思是他很讨厌,或者说他很烦人。这是一种抱怨或不满的说法,通常用来形容一个人的行为或言语很令人厌烦或困扰。例如:

A: I can’t stand him. He is always nagging and complaining.

B: I know. He is a pain in the neck.

He is a chip off the old block. 这句话的意思是他和他父亲(或母亲)很像,或者说他遗传了他父亲(或母亲)的特点。这是一种比喻或评论的说法,通常用来形容一个人在外貌、性格、爱好等方面和他的父母有很大的相似性。例如:

A: He is so good at math. Just like his father.

B: Yeah, he is a chip off the old block.

He is a man of his word. 这句话的意思是他是个守信用的人,或者说他说到做到。这是一种赞扬或信任的说法,通常用来形容一个人在言行上很诚实或可靠。例如:

A: Did he pay you back the money he borrowed?

B: Yes, he did. He is a man of his word.

He is a force to be reckoned with. 这句话的意思是他是个不可小觑的人,或者说他很有实力或影响力。这是一种尊敬或警惕的说法,通常用来形容一个人在某个领域或行业中有很强的竞争力或威望。例如:

A: He is the top salesman in our company. He can sell anything to anyone.

B: Wow, he is a force to be reckoned with.



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